
The CCPA Countdown Begins

Article by Stephanie Tsaksos CATEGORIES: Laws & Regulations, News & Updates TAGS: , ,

CCPA is months away but the storm has already started brewing…

CCPA, or the The California Consumer Privacy Act, is a bill that enhances privacy rights and consumer protection for residents of California. The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) officially goes into effect on Jan. 1, 2020, and doesn’t only affect California businesses, so listen up!

So how will you know if you’re a candidate for CCPA? If at least one of these apply to you, you qualify:

  1. Earn annual gross revenues exceeding $25 million.
  2. Obtain (in any form of buying, receiving, selling or sharing) the personal information of at least 50,000 California consumers, households or devices for commercial purposes.
  3. Acquire 50 percent of annual revenues from selling California residents personal information.

Did any of these click? CCPA is enforced by the California Attorney General, so you’ll want to achieve compliance, unless you want to face hefty (and costly) penalties. CCPA also produces new consumer rights that are non-waivable. These rights include the right to notice, to request/receive disclosure, the right to deletion, and right to opt-out.

In addition to the CCPA legislation, there are many other compliance and privacy regulations in this increasingly global market and economy. Failing to properly comply can deeply impact your business, and as you may recall from GDPR, compliance isn’t such a quick fix. It is never too early to start complying.